We love to meet together and eat together. Many of our food based events are open to the public, you are welcome to join us.
Tuesday Break at St Mary and St Margaret’s
You are welcome to join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry every Tuesday. 10:00am – 11:30am
Luncheon Club at Gage Road
We meet monthly on the first Wednesday of the month. 12:30pm
Meal and social for older friends who live alone.
Contact: Chapel office: 01603 448481
Booking essential.
Drop in Spot at Sprowston Methodist
Weekly coffee morning with hot and cold drinks, cakes, scones and biscuits. We have toys for babies and toddlers.
Thursday 9:00am-12:30pm
Coffee Morning at St Cuthbert’s
You are welcome to join us for tea or coffee in St Cuthbert’s Church Centre on the first Saturday of every month.
10:00am – 11:30am
Men’s Breakfast at Sprowston Methodist
All men are very welcome. Come and join us and we’ll enjoy fellowship together, with cooked breakfast and/or cereal and toast, every month there is a speaker. If you haven’t been before why not give us a try, we would love to see some new faces. For catering purposes can you make sure you have booked by the Wednesday.
For more information or to book contact Kirsty at networker@rocky-road.org
Light Lunches at Sprowston Methodist
Following the Sunday morning service at Wroxham Road Methodist Church we have a light lunch of quiche and salad (in the summer) or soup and salad (in the winter), with occasional bbqs. Suggested donation of £1.50 to cover costs. 12:00- 1:00pm
Cafe Church
It’s Church but not as you know it!
It happens on the first Sunday of each month at Costa in Tesco on Blue Boar Lane at 2.30pm.
Café Church is coffee with a conscience. It’s the fresh expression of community dealing with issues from a faith perspective, in a round table discussion – all in a Cafe atmosphere.
There’s a welcome for everyone – whether a church-goer or not! Take a look and join in.
For more information, please contact the local leader:
Pastor Michael Graves (488481)