Children and young people are welcome in all of our Churches. There is a Junior Church during the morning service at Sprowston Methodist, a Sunday school fortnightly at Gage Road, and Children’s worship twice monthly at Saint Cuthbert’s, Saint George’s have children’s liturgy during term time at 10.30am Mass on Sundays.
Church Groups
Boys Brigade at Sprowston Methodist
The 4th Norwich Boys’ Brigade is a Christian organisation, and meet on Wednesday evenings during school term time from 6.15pm.
Our programme is based on the 5 areas of Body (games, physical activity), Mind (activities and puzzles to challenge the mind), Community (learning about helping at home, community life etc), Creativity (arts and crafts) and Spirit (learning about the BB, the church etc), working towards badges. However our emphasis is on having fun, whilst learning, and over time helping the boys to develop, grow in confidence, and learn about themselves and others.
If you have a boy aged 5 –18 who is interested in joining please contact Stephen on
The Box at Sprowston Methodist
Free Youth group for 7-17 year olds. With a free hot meal, games, activities, tuck shop, and discussions about life and faith.
Every Thursday (including School Holidays) 6:45pm-8:15pm.
Contact Kirsty at for more details.
What is it? Messy Church is free fun for all the family… and is proving to be popular.
Messy Church is hosted, at Sprowston Methodist, Saturday teatimes – 5.00pm to 7:00pm – on the following dates through 2018:
7th July 2018
6th October 2018
8th December 2018
On the below dates we will have a Messy Church Picnic at noon, please bring a picnic lunch.
12th May 2018
8th September 2018
Who is it for?
It’s for all the family. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult.
What will we be doing?
We start at 5pm and have a variety of theme-related games and crafts; coming together for activities, songs, a short prayer and a Bible story; there’s an evening meal. ‘Go home’ time is around 7pm.
Will it cost me anything?
No! Messy Church is completely free, but you can contribute by leaving a donation if you wish.
We look forward to seeing you all.
Messy Church Logo Copyright Bible Reading Fellowship© 2012. See
Independent Groups
Rainbows at Sprowston Methodist
Every Monday in term time 4:30pm – 5:30pm
For girls aged five to seven – Rainbows is exciting, messy, friendly and a lot of fun!
Brownies at Sprowston Methodist
Every Monday in term time 5:30pm – 6:30pm
For girls aged seven to ten – being a Brownie is an adventurous journey that girls take with their friends.
Sprowston Youth Cafe Run by SYEP (Sprowston Youth Engagement Project).
Sprowston Youth Cafe for 13 to 18 year olds.
This is held in the St Cuthbert’s Centre every Tuesday from 7.00pm-9.00pm, there is a tuck shop, crafts, xbox, pool, Wii, table tennis, air hockey.
For more information contact Revd Simon on 01603 426492.
Beaver Scouts at St George’s
Beavers are usually aged between six and eight years old, though they can be as young as five and three quarters.
Wednesday 5:45pm – 6:45pm for full details
Cub Scouts at Saint George’s
Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 1/2, who make up the second section of the Scouting family, between Beavers and Scouts. Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Scouts at Saint George’s
The Scout Section is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years. A young person can come into the Troop at 10 and may stay until they are 14½ years old. The Scout Troop is the third section in the Scout Group, above Beavers and Cubs.
Fridays 7:00 – 9:30pm
Explorer Scouts at St George’s
Explorer Scouts are young people, usually aged between 14 and 18 years old. They make up the fourth section of the Scouting family after Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Tuesdays 7:00- 9:00pm