Toddlers and Babies are welcome in all of our Churches. There are baby changing facilities at all venues. There are crèche facilities during the morning service at Sprowston Methodist, a Sunday school fortnightly at Gage Road, and Children’s worship twice monthly at Saint Cuthbert’s.
Tots Spot at Gage Road
Parent/ Carer and toddler group. 50p per person.
Crafts, toys, refreshments, songs, fun for toddlers and babies, company for parents and carers.
There are two weekly sessions, Monday 10:00am-12:30pm and 1:00pm-3:30pm
Contact Joan at
for more detailsPushchair Club at Sprowston Methodist
Tuesdays, from 1.30pm.
A special time for play and support for the under 5s and their minders (there is often a waiting list, contact to get on the list) .
Fee of £1.50 per family per session and £1.00 per term.
Bertie’s Babes at St Cuthbert’s
£1.50 per child Refreshments and craft activities included in the price.
Toddler Service first Thursday of each month 9.45am – 10.00am in the church. Everyone Welcome.
9.30am – 11.00am every Thursday morning
For further information contact Claire Akrill on 01603 482360
What is it? Messy Church is free fun for all the family… and is proving to be popular.
Messy Church is hosted, at Sprowston Methodist, Saturday teatimes – 5.00pm to 7:00pm – on the following dates through 2018:
7th July 2018
6th October 2018
8th December 2018
On the below dates we will have a Messy Church Picnic at noon, please bring a picnic lunch.
12th May 2018
8th September 2018
Who is it for?
It’s for all the family. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult.
What will we be doing?
We start at 5pm and have a variety of theme-related games and crafts; coming together for activities, songs, a short prayer and a Bible story; there’s an evening meal. ‘Go home’ time is around 7pm.
Will it cost me anything?
No! Messy Church is completely free, but you can contribute by leaving a donation if you wish.
We look forward to seeing you all.
Messy Church Logo Copyright Bible Reading Fellowship© 2012. See and Christenings
All of our Churches welcome children and adults into the family of the Church through different forms of baptism/ christening/dedication.
Please contact the relevant Church leader for more details.